My Classroom Website

Buenvenidos a la clase

de Senora LaFrance

Welcome to the Mrs. LaFrance's spanish class. We will have a wonderful time in class. We will learn how to pronouce spanish words, experience the world of Spain, Mexico, Central  and South America. Each place has its own rich culture and diverse way of life. Also in this course we will be able to taste the different dishes from each region.





First week

Learn how to pronouce the letters of the spanish alphabet and numbers from 1 to 20.

Second week

Continuing the practice of the pronoucing the letters and learning new number from 21 to 40.

Also showing pictures and other images from Mexico and other latin countries. Discussing how each country is similar but yet different.

Introducting spanish words for familar objects around the classroom. Example: silla for chair, mesa for table, etc.



You can contact me at or call me @ (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Hope to see everyone here to start on our first lesson and experience what makes Mexico exciting.